Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tannen's Essay

Tannen's Essay basically shows that there are two different of speaking.

There is "Drect-Communication", which is direct and straightforward and "Indirect-Communication" which you don't say it straight and you say it very politely.

I believe that you should use direct-communication and not be sarcastic and say what you mean and what you are supposed to do. It's more critical to use it in airplane, hospital and school situations but other places you can joke around and use indirect communication.

When your with your parents you have to be direct since my mom always wants to hear the right thing, you can't be sarcastic and I think it's really bad to be sarcastic in some situations.

You can't be direct to everyone, as someone might take it the wrong way, but indirect can also not give the message completely out there, so you would need to be direct and tell it how it is, it also can help in many, many situations.

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